Build your SELF • Build your PRACTICE • Build your DREAM

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Chiropractic has no shortage of coaches, consultants, practice management options, programs, scripts… the choices are truly endless.

The last thing our profession needs is another script, protocol, coach or consultant.

We have created Vitalistic Masters to be something truly different and innovative in comparison to anything the chiropractic profession has ever seen before. We know that for chiropractic to take its rightful place as the leading healthcare profession in the world, it needs a massive overhaul and evolution.

The Big Idea of chiropractic is 100% congruent with post-Newtonian science and chiropractors have the opportunity to be emerging leaders in healthcare and beyond. We need leaders that are open, vulnerable, authentic and ready to truly step into their power and serve the masses.

Welcome to the UN!

We are the UN-coach’s, the UN-consultants, the UN-practice management team. We know that to truly be successful in Life and Chiropractic you must shine your inner light. Your individuality and unique expression of who you authentically are is the most powerful thing you have to serve, it is paramount.

That’s why plugging in scripts and management systems that are incongruent truly do not work and lead to burnout and unfulfillment. We know that who you are as a human being precedes who you are as a chiropractor.

Imagine being supported to be the best version of yourself by creating the Life and Practice of your dreams. A life that is unique and authentic to who you truly are as a human being.

If you feel you have what it takes to truly become a Master of your Life and emerging leader in chiropractic, we’d love to hear from you to determine if there’s synergy.

Dr. Sukhi has been coaching me since launching practice in Italy! His outlook has lead me to a complete paradigm ­shift, and I’m now living MY DREAM! We connect often and each time I take away some practical tools, languaging skills, or unique insight. The non­traditional coaching approach eliminates robotic scripts, and prepares you to handle any situation with mastery and confidence. I encourage everyone that’s ready to transform their life and practice to get Dr. Sukhi on your team!! The best part is it’s YOUR dream, so you get to BE YOU. – Dr. Tanya Vinning

Working with Sukhi has been absolutely life changing for me. Not only did I learn how I can be a more confident and successful Chiropractor, but it has also turned into a journey of self discovery and for that I am eternally grateful. Sukhi is humble and authentic and I believe that he is truly serving humanity. – Dr. Lizette Botha

Build your SELF • Build your PRACTICE • Build your DREAM

Receive our FREE Ebook. Create a life and practice that’s unique to you